Easy Dialogues For Esl Students

Posted By admin On 31/03/19

ESL Dialogue Activities

  1. Esl Dialogues Free
  2. Esl Dialogues For Adults Pdf

A simple ESL activity for pairing students to practice dialogue and vocabulary.

Teach a great lesson plan using ESL dialogue and ESL activities including Two at a Time, 10 More, 20 Questions, and Paired Speech. Each ESL dialogue activity is fun and will help your students develop proficiency in English.

Two at a Time

To begin your lesson plan using dialogue, ESL students in your classroom should read a dialogue prompt written on the board. This prompt instructs the students to pair with another student and begin to discuss the prompt. The prompt can be on a variety of topics, from health to language, science to culture. Have these prompts flow into the lesson of the day as seamlessly as possible.

Easy Dialogues For Esl Students

When you have done this language prompt for a while, you will begin to notice that students begin to switch their conversations to the prompt almost effortlessly. This kind of routine is a great idea to utilize for the class from the beginning of the year, so that by the time you are observed by administration it has become habitual.

10 More

Easy Dialogues For Esl Students

Instead of simply holding your ESL students accountable for having a dialogue with one person, have them collect information from ten other students. Say, for example, that you are teaching a lesson on food. Have your students walk around the room speaking with the other students to figure out ten other people's favorite food. Once they have compiled a list, have volunteers share their list verbally with the whole class. Then, issue a homework assignment to interview another student in the school or a family member. This ESL dialogue activity helps students become familiar with one another while becoming more and more comfortable with conversation.

Easy Dialogues For Esl Students

20 Questions

To have your ESL students get to know one another, you can do a weekly installment of 20 questions, in which every student thinks of a question to ask the “student of the week.' This student of the week gets the spotlight and responds to questions, practicing his or her English, while the rest of the class practices a variety of questions.

Paired Speech

Have two students work to create a paired speech using dialogue. Give them a theme–sports, movies, science, etc.–and have them perform their skit for the entire class. You will most likely have to guide them through the editing process and help them with grammar and vocabulary. If given enough time and coaching, your ESL students will impress you with their creative dialogues. Make sure to organize your lessons well using a good ESL lesson plan template.

Discuss Both Listening and Speaking Skills

When creating a lesson plan using dialogue, ESL students in your classroom need to practice listening and speaking well. The activities mentioned above, when used throughout the year, provide a firm platform for your students to practice their English skills in a safe and respectful environment.

Esl Dialogues Free

Sources / Wikimedia Commons

Wikimedia Commons

Wikimedia Commons – 2 sign

Wikimedia Commons – '?'

Wikimedia Commons – Talkin'

This post is part of the series: ESL Lesson Plans

Find more complete ESL lesson plans here.
Here we are making available a collection of audio dialogues to enable teachers to help students develop their pronunciation.

If you have teaching ideas for how to use these dialogues to develop your students' pronunciation, we would love to hear from you and publish your ideas on the site.

To submit an idea
If you would like to share a teaching idea for these materials please complete and submit this form

Esl Dialogues For Adults Pdf

Audio dialogue
981Kb Mp3 - Dialogue 1
In a language school café
328Kb Mp3 - Dialogue 2
Husband and wife
498Kb Mp3 - Dialogue 3
Visiting a friend
423Kb Mp3 - Dialogue 4Making an appointment
638Kb Mp3 - Dialogue 5
Planning the shopping
610Kb Mp3 - Dialogue 6
A wrong number
881Kb Mp3 - Dialogue 7
Ordering a meal
150Kb Mp3 - Dialogue 8Ordering pie
283Kb Mp3 - Dialogue 9Meeting an old friend

Please note - file sizes for audio may be very large and can take a time to download depending on your connection speed. To download the audio file:-

  • Right click on the download link (control + click for Mac users)
  • Select 'Save target as' or 'Save link as'
  • Select location where you wish to save
  • Click save

Copyright information - Please Read
These audio files are copyright British Council. You may download the files for your own personal or classroom use only. They may not be copied, distributed or made available to other websites. For any questions relating to the use of these programmes please email: teachingenglish@britishcouncil.org

These recordings were produced by British Council, Singapore and first appeared on the 'Practice Your Pron' CD.

Producer: Allen Baird
Sriptwriter: Lesley Fellingham
Readers: Gill Atkinson, Shaza Haq, David Humphreys,
Editors: Irene Cruikshanks, Paul Tolton, Alaisdair Raynham, david Kemp, Allen Baird

For more information on the CD contact: english@britishcouncil.org.sg

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